We begin by finding gratitude and sufficiency in who God created us to be. We break through our limiting beliefs about God and ourselves and allow ourselves to be broken wide open like any seed that is ready to bud and grow. This is by far the most important and overlooked step in designing a life of our dreams, but it is also the most essential for our success. This is where we lay the groundwork for a beautiful life.
Next, we take a look at the soil in which we were planted and the circumstances in which we currently live. Our soil is made up of those things and people that we surround ourselves with. This is where we learn to overcome obstacles such as a painful past, a less than ideal present, and an unknown future.
In this level of design, we break out of the soil and see what's possible in this big world around us. Here is where we shatter glass ceilings and become okay with growing beyond the safety of the greenhouse. This level is all about growth, and may feel like the biggest area of struggle for most people. Why? Because it's scary!! It's where we focus on growing our courage and cultivating our leadership skills through emotional intelligence and self-mastery.
Here is where we take inspired actions that result in blooming beautifully in this garden of life! This is where all that inner work reflects on the outside and we, as well as the people around us, can't help but see the fruits of our labors. These changes will be evident on the outside...things such as how we look, how confident we are, how successful we are, the relationships we have and how influential we are. It is the outward manifestation of transformation that is only possible when created from within.
Good! I've got you, girl. I can't wait to help you answer the deepest questions in your life about who you are, why you are here and what is your purpose in this big, wide world. We will attack any limiting beliefs at their roots and cultivate new ones so you can grow your confidence in who you are and design and co-create the life of your dreams with the One who created you!
Sign up below for a free Inspiration Consultation and let's get busy designing the life of your dreams!
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